鉴于:Anne McGuire作为受托人忠诚而杰出地为太阳城电子app服务了7年,并担任董事会主席6年, 而:
她担任主席期间,学校经历了极其困难的时期, 它的教师和学生, 包括两位校长的辞职, 一位临时校长的任期, the creation and inspiration of two search committees and the successful selection of the present headmaster; and, 而:
这段时间严重破坏了学校的正常领导,很可能导致士气受到不可挽回的侵蚀,从而使学校的声誉受损, 教师队伍的流失和学生队伍的高素质的流失, but did not do so largely because of her tireless leadership and dedication; and, 而:
在此期间, 无论任务多么艰巨,她都带着不同寻常的好奇心和想象力, 但她却表现出自己是一个乐于倾听的人, and a superb spokeswoman; and, 而:
Her approach to issues was always sensitive to and understanding of the delicate web of human interrelationships in the fragile environment as a girls boarding school; and, 而:
安妮·麦奎尔已经向她的同事证明了这一点, to the students and to the external world of Foxcroft the finest qualities of what her school stands for; Now, 就这样吧
决定太阳城电子app董事会特此向安妮·麦奎尔表示敬意, the gratitude and the high commendation of her Alma Mater for a job well and faithfully done; 再进一步
决定, 这是, 设立了安妮·凯恩·麦奎尔杰出服务奖,只授予那些, 根据校董会的意见, 表现出同样的奉献精神,并带来同样高水准的服务和诚信, to the task of furthering the ideas and ideals of Foxcroft as has Anne McGuire; and, 再进一步
解决了,, 为了保证客观保持最高的评选标准, no person shall be eligible to be nominated to receive it until the passage of three years following the end of that person’s service to the school; and, 进一步决定, 安妮·麦奎尔应该是, 她现在是, 指定的